We were getting pretty sick of the car by this point but still had a few hours to go. Since we didn't have to be anywhere that night we decided to take our time and let Jenson out more to run around.
There was soo much construction that we were at a dead stop for a good 20 minutes.. I was driving so Babe got to take a extra long nap while I sat there with no service and no internet- ugh!
Poor Jenson.. so much time in his carseat- at least he was finally taking naps in the car!
The drive sure is pretty though!
We got to our hotel, ate some dinner and hit the sack. We were excited to see Sister Hopkins the next day! We got to her assisted living place around 9, it must have been a little early for her because she couldn't stay away. We decided it would be better to come back for lunch and spend some more time then.
It was the perfect opportunity to head to Jacksonville and drive around town- Jenson fell asleep so we drove around for a while until we found this cute playground! After his nap we played for a while before heading to lunch.
Besides the fact that Jenson has a hard time being quiet and staying still, he was surprising well while we were at lunch. He was charming the pants off all the people in the dining hall. Sister Hopkins fell in love with him and couldn't stop watching him. It was so tender!
After lunch we went back to the hotel for some naps and to actually take it easy after hours in the car! A much needed break it was!
^^ Sister Hopkins lives at the top of the hill, the view is stunning! ^^
We went back to visit with her after dinner, Jenson watched MMC and we got to talk with her and some of our other friends the Robinson's. The good bye was really hard on all of us, knowing that it's probably the last time we will see her (on earth), but then again that's what I said last time!
We went to be early so that we could wake up and drive back to Idaho- Jenson was out cold, we even picked him up and put him on the bed to change his diaper before leaving and he hardly moved an inch- and that's saying something!
We were getting pretty good at waking up before the sun...
Another long day of driving and road construction... This time we took Jenson out of his car seat to get some wiggles out while we were stopped.

Another nap or two (from all of us!) and we were back in Idaho getting ready for our family trip to Island Park for the weekend! (more driving?!)
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