A few weeks before we were to find out what we were having my sister had the idea to throw us a gender reveal/ goodbye party. We found out what we were having the morning we picked up our moving van, it was kinda of an emotional day thats for sure. We had our appointment that morning we told our dr. our plans for the party and that we didn't want to know what we were having until then. He wrote what we were having on the back of an ultrasound picture, along with a diagram (HERE) and told us NOTHING not even how sure he was.
The morning of our appointment Jillisa also had an appointment at the same clinic for her kidney stones. Lucky for us she was finished right before we were, so we didn't even have time to take a sneak peak in the envelope. We handed it off to her, she opened it smiled and walked away. AHHH
Right from the drs we headed to go pick up our moving truck from Penske, we had to go to Inkom to get all of our stuff out of storage that day. I was nervous that it was still too early to tell what we were having {I was 17 weeks}. Lucky for me my cousin is a ultrasound tech in Ogden and she said she would take a look for us, you know just to have it confirmed! We stopped by on our way to Idaho, so yes we were in our huge moving van... ;) We went in and got to see our sweet baby again, and with more high tech equipment! We even had a 3D ultrasound even though it was a little early to see everything perfectly. She checked everything out and told us our baby was perfect, just what I wanted to hear. She then told us to look away as she found out what we were having. She also wrote it in a envelope, as well as letting Jillisa know (since we wouldn't be home till the next day). And that was that now 3 people know what we were having and we had no clue.
Finally Sunday came (we had to wait for like 3 days!) the day of the party. It was again a pretty mixed emotioned day... We were finding out what we were having, we were having a party with all our family and friends, but it was a farewell party. I wish I could go back to that day and take it all in again, it was simply perfect.
Jillisa, with help from my mom and sisters planned out an amazing party, totally pintrest worthy!
Be ready for a picture overload!
Photobooth props. "A handsome little He? A pretty little she? Wear your guess for a pic, and we will see!"
The start of the food everyone brought... YUMM!
We played a game in honor of Kyron. When he was in health class his teacher gave them all a candy Peach-o and told them to stretch it to a 10, like when women are in labor. Mine snapped soon after trying to stretch it, ouch! ;)
Just some of our amazing friends and family that came to support us!
The time came we were blindfolded with diapers, surprising work very well!
They handed out the paint and silly string to the little kids
and they went for it!

Heres a movie for your enjoyment... Big thanks to Kasey for pouring the paint down my shirt! :)
It's a boy!! I found out after the party that Babe saw one of the leaking paints so he knew it was a boy (even though he said it was a boy from the beginning), me on the other hand had no idea. I thought for sure it was a girl so it sure was a shock to me. It took a minute to sink in but now I couldn't be more excited!!
Katelyn on the other hand wasn't so excited. On my side of the family we have all boys and 1 girl, on Babes side we have all girls and 1 boy so either way we were helping out one side. Sadly for Katelyn we are helping out the Hunts... haha :)
Thanks to everyone who came to our party, we couldn't be more thrilled to have a boy joining our family!
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