Sunday, October 12, 2014

New York Day 5 & 6

Let us just take a brief moment and ponder on the fact that we went to NEW YORK CITY!!!

Okay moving on... I am just warning you now some of the pictures are really out of order- I am far to lazy to reorganize them all on here so just feel lucky that I am actually posting these! :) 

Like I said earlier we (Karl, Babe, and I) kind of decided last minute to go to NYC we were only a 2 hour bus ride away and tickets for the bus were only $20 per person round trip.  And lets be honest when are we going to get this chance again?  So we bought our tickets, left Jenson with Amanda for the night {thanks again!!} We didn't get home till later and we woke up wayyy to early so thank goodness for those extra 2 hours on the bus to catch up on some sleep.  Sadly all the pictures I am in I look like death since I really didn't want to take the extra time to get all ready... so I guess Ill just have to go back and take retake photos! :)

We were limited on 2 things:
1. time
2. money

Sure it would have been so nice to go and see the Ground Zero Museum, and go up in the Empire State building and do other fun things like that but it just wasn't in the budget.  BOO! We made a list of everything we wanted to see/ do though and we got to do it all so I would call that a win!

We got off the bus and headed straight for the Subway- we wanted to go to Central Park but somehow ended up on the other side the town at at the Staten Island Ferry {were tourist, cut us some slack.  We did get the hang of the subway by the end of the day though!} So we went to see Lady Liberty on the free ferry ride {Holy. Freaken. Cow-sooo cool!} 
I don't really remember the order of places we went from there on, I was to busy taking pictures and taking in the city! Sorry again the pictures are out of order...
^^ Town Square- We bought some I Love {heart} NYC shirts here that I am kind of obsessed with!^^
9-11 Memorial- MUST SEE!  I was in awe the whole time, I just couldn't take it all in.  The volunteer you see in the blue vest by me in the picture was actually one of the survivors of that day.  I am pretty sure I could have stayed there all day!  

Staten Island Ferry ride- sweet view of the city!

oh Hi there Lady Liberty, nice to meet you!

Brooklyn Bridge- another favorite.  I wish we could have seen the skyline at night but like I said we were to limited on time :(

^^ We saw the coolest (tallest!) building, around every corner brought something amazing!^^

Town Square (again!) ;)

The Temple- turned the corner and BAM it's right there, we almost missed it because it just blends in with things around it.  We went inside for a bathroom break in what we knew would be clean and sanitary! ;) If we had time we would have done a session- putting it on the list of things to do when we go back! 

Central Park! This was a much needed breaking point. After going all day non stop it was nice to lay down in the grass and take it all in, what an incredible city!

For more random pictures...

^^ Ferry and Subway selfies!^^

Our bus ride back was the worst ride of my life. And that is saying a lot since I was always on the Salt Lake Express ;)  The one thing I was looking forward to was taking a nice long nap in the cool bus on our way home from a non stop day.  The only thing was the bus had NO AC! seriously people I thought I was dying.  A packed full bus with sweaty people, no air, and my car sickness, made for an extremely long ride.  If I was a confrontational  type of person I would have been fighting for my money back and for them to pay for another trip back ;) But I'm not so Babe just had to hear me complain the whole way back as I tried to fan myself with the postcards we bought.  

Things I wish we would have had time and money for:
Empire State building
Goood food (we just ate at Whole foods and McDonalds, with a few snacks from street vendors.)
Ground Zero
Temple Session
Brooklyn Bridge at night
Broadway show {wicked!}
Staten Island 
Kelly and Michael Live Show (no joke...)
Statue of Liberty tour
(maybe more but I can't think of any right now)

I am pretty sure this day was as dream though.  We missed our little dude but it was so fun to have a day out and not having to worry about his naps or feedings! I still can't believe I was there.  I love watching shows now where they show NYC and can pick out places we went to.  So unreal!  :) 

Once we got back to Philly we walked to the hospital to meet up with the rest of the family and say goodbye to Marshall since we would be leaving the next morning.  {sad face!}

Before we went on vacation my parents talked me into flying to Utah from Philly instead of driving cross country with everyone else that would take about 33 hours.  Holy cow best decision ever!  Jenson is getting more independent so I was really nervous about flying with him where he couldn't be free.  Philly to Denver where our layover was, was about a 3 1/2 hour plane ride (the longest he has been on..) we lucked out on the first flight and had a whole row to ourself which was good because he didn't not sleep for a second!  (I may have made it so that no one would sit by us, but I knew there were open seats so I didn't feel to bad!)  on the flight from Denver to Utah we there was 1 lady on our row but we still had an open seat {answer to prayers!} Jenson finally slept for that flight, it must had been all the bottles I kept giving him every time he would start to cry ;) 

And just like that we were in Utah, unlike the boys who still had 2 days of driving a head of them! We loved our time with the Hunts but I was so excited to see the rest of our family!  

If you missed it, you can catch up here: 
New York Video HERE
Day 1 Nauvoo HERE
Day 2-4 Philly HERE

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