Sunday, October 20, 2013

Good Mormon!

Today in Relief Society we were separated into groups, given a few paragraphs from the lesson and told to find a few words that stuck out to us.  With the words we were supposed to find scriptures to go along with it.  After reading the paragraph I picked out the words "Force and Power".  I went to to searched those words.  I found a talk on Temptations and started to look it over when I looked at who gave the talk.  Low and behold it was my very own grandpa Rulon G. Craven.  How cool is that?  I am still learning things from my grandpa, even being thousands of miles away.  
I am thankful for my legacy and for my being part of the family that I am.  I am thankful that I grew up in the church and for learning from my family, leaders, friends, and neighbors all that I know.  What a strength it is to me to have the Gospel in my life. I know because of it I am a better person.  I am thankful for all I know and for my Savior in heaven for helping me when I need him most.  He is there on my good days and my bad days.  I am thankful that the Church is the same no matter where you go.  Even though my family is far away I still have a ward family.  The Lord knows our needs, he answers our prayers.  I am thankful I could go to church today and feel the Spirit.  Church can be a refuge from the world, just like the Temple is if we let it.  I hope you all have a fabulous Sabbath day.

If you want to know more about what I believe go HERE 

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