Babe rented a car and drove down after his seminar on friday night! He got there just in time to play some games before bed! The next morning I woke up with Babe asking Jenson if he wanted to go swimming haha. Late night swimming and early morning swimming- pretty much the life! Jenson HATED not being able to touch the ground so he would only stay on the pool steps, unless you were holding him and still it would be a fight. It was kind of nice knowing that with his floaty and fears we didn't have to worry to much about him.
After a morning of swimming we had a big brunch and got ready for a day down in Dallas. Jenson fell asleep in the car on the way to the Perot Museum, and normally he would wake up when you move him but he was still zonked out in his stroller, even after the HUGE line to get tickets and go into the museum! It was such a blessing. I don't even want to think about how hard it would have been to keep him distracted long enough in that line!
We loved all the different hands on thing there, it would be extra fun to go back when we didn't have to chase around a crazy toddler that wanted to run through the whole thing!
We also tried out the National Parks IMAX movie. It was only 45 minutes so we prayed Jenson would be distracted enough. Grandpa bought some popcorn and that kept him busy for most of it. The rest of it he decided to run up and down the steps. We were totally "those" parents but I decided it would have been more of a distraction for me to chase him around as he screams then it was to just let he go up and down the stairs... Basically we will not be taking him to a movie any time soon that's for sure!

He LOVED the kids play area and these boats. He was soaking wet by the end of it but had the best time- he even won the battle when another kid tried to take one of his boats away from him hahaha
Next up: Reunion Tower! I LOVE being up high and getting to look over the city. This place did not disappoint (except I wish it was more open so the bars all over didn't mess up my photos haha)! There are 3 different levels at the top, a observation deck and then 2 rotating restaurants on top!
Jenson refused to turn around for a picture. It's so funny how he is so timid in the pool but you get him up here and he would gladly try to jump off!
^^ I wan't nervous with Babe holding Jenson while we were there but now looking at these pictures, my heart skips a beat! hahah, don't worry thought there is another ledge underneath where he was standing, and you should had saw the grip he had on him^^
We went to the top to enjoy some ice cream and the rotating view!
We ended up eating dinner every night in our swim suits! That sure was the life!
We sadly had to leave Sunday morning to get back to Kansas. Jenson and Nathan had so much fun playing together, Nathan even gave Jenson some of his favorite things from when he was little. I hate having to say goodbye to family but so thankful for the relationships we have and for the fun that we have together! Bonus- only 2 more weeks till the end of the trimester and we get to go home and see them all again!
Thanks for the great weekend Texas!
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