We took Jenson to go see the Easter bunny- fully thinking he would scream! But nope, he jumped right up next to him and started petting his "fur", smiled, gave high 5's, and then goodbye to the bunny! He LOVED him it was so cute to watch!
Later that day we went to a ward picnic/ easter egg hunt where we ate yummy food and found lots of candy filled eggs!
Later that week our friends invited us over for another egg hunt at their house! Jenson sure is getting good at spotting eggs!

Easter morning Jenson got a small basket with some books and candy in it!
My handsome boy all ready for church! Matt and I are in nursery together so we had fun teaching the kids about the resurrection and our Savior, and what Easter really means. After church we had an amazing meal (ham, funeral potatoes, jello, rolls, and of course dessert!) I love this holiday and for the reminder that my Savior Lives! We hope everyone had a fabulous Easter!
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