Tuesday, July 7, 2015

When my parents came to town!

My parents are on a CES Church history tour right now, and I bet you can't guess where their first stop was... Independence!  So they decided to fly out a week or so early and spend some time with their favorite daughter ;) They arrived Saturday June 27th!  After they got here we spend the day relaxing at home.. and catching up on some lost sleep ;) We also made a Costco and Hyvee run to get some essential food for the week- like that cheddar popcorn you see there ;)
We also went to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Cheddars! I'm pretty sure my parents would agree it's dang good! 
 I'm pretty sure we watched a movie every night they were here as well :) 
 The next morning we tried to play upstairs quietly while my parents could catch up on some lost sleep (the one benefit to 1:00 church!) Jenson didn't really understand the whole "quiet" thing ;)
 After church we took naps (um.. I am sensing a theme here...) had some amazing pot roast, and helped my dad catch up on some missionary stuff he had to do. 

Monday morning my parents headed off to Branson to cross that off my dad's bucket list.  While my mom got ready my dad went to push Jenson on the swing- I'm pretty sure he is going through swing withdrawals because my dad was so good at taking him all the time!

 ^^ Jenson loves "reading" and I love watching him read in the car! tooo cute! ^^
 While my parents were in Branson we went spend as much time trying to distract us from counting the hours till we got to see them again! 

We celebrated my moms Birthday when they got back on Wednesday by opening presents and eating at one of our favorite Kansas must see places, Freddy's!  If you haven't tried their lava cake you need to- right now! Mom's birthday theme was "Joela's Day the Kansas Way" so her presents mostly consisted of things that were invited in Kansas, or Kansas was known for.. 

Stay tuned for all of the other fun things we did while they were here! 

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