Saturday morning we got up and made an amazing breakfast complete with bacon, eggs, hasbrowns, toast and orange juice! It was just what we needed to fuel up for our hike to the Dam. We borrowed a hiking backpack for Jenson which was a such a life savor- thanks Babe for taking him the whole way! xoxo
It's a true hike when you see a snake and some pretty nasty evil spiders!
^^ Those dots are her babies... I get chills just looking at it! ^^
you would think he would be crying because it was so loud and misty.. but no it's because all he wanted to do was get in the water.. haha
We had to speed walk back to camp because Jenson was fed up with being carried and the heat/humidity was killing us all. He was all smiles though when we got back and dad took him to go swing for a bit!
We decided to cool down take it easy while Jenson took a nap. Babe and I played lots of games and just talked about life- since there was no wifi and no cell service we were forced to "un-plug" (not that we wouldn't anyway) it was so nice to not have to worry about social media, we could really take a step back and just relax and get away from the world!
One of our favorite games is Qwirkle.. I normally always lose by a ton but that time I only lost by 1 point- 1 measly point!
When Jenson woke up we went to take a look around Lake Leatherwood- it was stunningly pretty! When we go back I would love to go paddle boarding or canoeing around the lake but with Jenson we just didn't want to risk him jumping overboard ;)
Next we headed back to Beaver Dam for some more swimming. We took a pit stop at the over look, too bad the water wasn't running but at least we saw it the day before.
^^ it's no mountains but it sure is beautiful! Trees and trees for as far as the eye can see!^^
Some genius people put a play ground right by the lake. After Jenson was done swimming for the day he went and played with Babe at the park for a while and was in heaven (and shade!).

We had some awesome BBQ for dinner that night, and some of the best stake I have ever had in my life! Thanks Brad for being such an awesome chef!
I spy Reese and Jenson
Best buddies!
After dinner we went for a sunset walk down at the lake, we should had done that every night!
Once we put Jenson to bed we went back out for some more smores (have you still not tired the reeses smores? goooooo) and some star gazing :) I miss seeing all those stars like you can see them back home. It was such an amazing weekend. So relaxing and going back to those basics!
We packed up that night and headed back home early the next morning to make it back in time for church (the only plus to 1:00 church!)
Thanks again Joann and family for letting us tag along on your family vacation! It was exactly what we needed- we can't wait to go back again. Next time we should rent that house though ;)