Hope on over to our sisters blog (HERE) to find 2 new amazing chicken meal ideas! You wont regret it! :) Chicken, it's whats for dinner!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Just another weekend!
Warning picture overload! But that's to be expected right? This weekend Babe and I headed down to Utah for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. We also got to hang out with Babe's sisters at the Cancer Wellness House in SLC. It was their spring social and so we thought we would go hang out with the little kids. They had lunch, an Easter egg hunt, Pinata, face painting, balloon animals, and don't forget hanging out with the Easter bunny (creepy Easter bunny...)

The little girls were terrified of the bunny... along with me! Kez warmed up to him after a while and Bella would wave at a distance but would not go near it. It was the funniest thing I have seen in a while!
After the wellness house we headed to the hospital to visit Marshall. Since I am still feeling under the weather I didn't want to risk going to see him so I stayed in the car with the little kids while they slept, they were all much happier after their naps!
After the hospital we headed to Costco for a little shopping and sampling, we hit the jack pot there- best samples ever!
Later that night we headed to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for my grandparents 60th. We had some amazing food (minus the bony chicken...) got to hang out with some family, and went through 60 years of memories.
I seriously have the most amazing grandparents ever, I don't know how I ever got to be so blessed. I have such an amazing family, I don't know what I would do without them. Thank you for the fun night and the new memories we made!
Sunday we somehow talked Melissa into coming down from Price to celebrate her birthday! Brian came, we had orange chicken, ate cake, and caught up on old times. Thanks for spending your day with Melissa! We love you! :) Happy Birthday!!
Our melting cake... hahah
Make a wish... with a photo-bombing of Kyron
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Norman and Vicki De'Adle
Happy late St. Patricks day! Oh and since this is one of my good friends birthday as well here is a shout out for you Ashley! I hope you had an amazing birthday, finally 21 ;) Yahooo
While Babe went on his mission he bought 2 green suits, yeah green... This is all he had until a little while ago when we finally bought him a new black and brown suit (Dude something about him in a suit, he is just soooo good lookin!) Anyway I just always thought it was random that he had a green suit but it sure comes in handy when St. Pattys day is on a Sunday! Our bishop even called us out on matching... (Confession... I may or may not try to match with Matt as often as I can. When I pack our Sunday clothes for a trip they are always matching... :) I will deny I ever said this but its true, I love matching this sexy man!)
After church we came home and ate some green mac and cheese and drink our green milk! It's tradition (well at least the milk is.)
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looks nasty but tasted oh so yummmmy! |
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I loved his little comb over hair style |
Monday, March 18, 2013
Craft Day.. at last!
I finally was home for a weekend and got to craft a little! What do you think? And might I say these were SOOO easy! I am not completely done with the jars but at least you get the idea.
Made this for my niece for her new Easter dress :) |
Friday, March 15, 2013
St. Patty Day Scavanger Hunt
Hey go check out our sisters blog for an adorable idea for a St. Pactricks Day Scavanger Hunt!! You wont regret it! :) or if you are just lazy just go HERE to get right to the point! Happy St. Pactricks day!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sick of it
I am completely, utterly, totally, sick of being sick. I started getting sick about a week ago on our field trip and its just gotten worse and worse. I can handle a lot of things but the one thing I can't stand is having my nose clogged. I can't stand not being able to breath, but who does? If you know me then you know I am a big fan of sleep... but since I have been sick I wake up every hour or so just to blow my nose. I love Matt with all my heart but he is a huge fan not just covering up your problems with pills so every time I want to take something I have to make sure he is not around so he wont judge me :) (not like he does but still...) I even had a teacher tell me today "Wow you just need to get better!" after he heard the way I sounded when I talked. Embarrassing right? So that brings me to my conclusion, I need to be better NOW! So now that you all know maybe my body will get the hint and recover for me? Yeah? Sounds good to me... Sorry for the random post but it's getting my mind off going to blow my nose again... Hopefully by next time Ill be just dandy! :)
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Preschool Field Trip
This past week I had the opportunity to go on a field trip with the Supervisors and Leads in my major. We got to tour about 10 different preschools, some good some really shady but all gave me really good ideas of what I want to do or not want to do someday! We also got to go to disney on ice, lots of fancy restaurants, shopped at City Creek, and took way to many pictures! It sure was fun though! Can I just say I LOVE MY MAJOR! It's a bitter sweet feeling knowing I will be done next month :/ I am greatful for the things I have learned though and the friends I have gained.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Okay everyone... I need your help. How do YOU stay motivated? I am not happy with the way I look right now. I am good for about a week and then I loose it. I saw some pictures of the Insanity and I really want to do that. I whole life I have dreamed but being happy about my own body and not being so self conscious but I need help with the motivation. What do you do once the initial excitement of being healthy wears off? I REALLY need to do something. I want to get as skinny as I can until I get as fat as I can, if you catch my drift ;) haha but for now thats not happening so I am focusing on getting healthy and slimming down. So please if you have any suggestion or workout or ANYTHING that has worked for you please do share. I have got to change something ( I also want to look good for Sam and Vanessa's wedding in Cali this summer!) thanks everyone! :)
Weekend Plans
Because everyone is just dying to know what I did over the weekend (right?) I thought I would put the wondering to an end...
Babe didn't have to work on Saturday so Friday at 2 we jumped on the good ole' shuttle and headed for Layton. Can I just say I am kind of getting tired of traveling every weekend? But I love spending the time with our families so I guess it is worth it.
Friday night the whole family came over we ate, talked, watched you-tube videos, and watched some movies. Saturday after some much needed sleep we headed to the Aerospace Museum (freee baby!) and enjoyed our time looking around at the planes and just being with each other.
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Oh and I may have taken |
Jillisa and I had fun taking pictures for the "Aerospace Museum Calendar" as Mike would say... Mostly consisting of Jillisa saying "Oh take my picture here, and here..." :)
After hanging out there we headed to our favorite childhood memory, Smith and Edwards! The store that has EVERYTHING if you can find it :) Babe had never been before so I had fun showing him around the store, mostly the candy isle!
That afternoon we headed to my cousins baptism and enjoyed some more family time and ice cream sundaes! Yummmm. That night we celebrated my "little" brothers 18th birthday. I seriously can't believe he already has his mission papers in. Kyron and I have always been pretty close (being the 2 youngest will do that to you..) I remember days when my friends were being mean or something and he would stay home from his friends to keep me company and watch a movie or something with me instead. It's going to be really weird not having him around... He is one of the most gentile kind, funny, "fluffy", caring, messy ;), loving, person I know. He is going to be one heck of a missionary! His "franchise" as my family calls it was his mini refrigerator completely stocked with pop, Gatorade and V8's. Now if he can only find a way to put a lock on it...
I also got a lot of Greysin time in, I seriously can't get enough of this cute boy!
Sunday we had dinner with my family then went up to visit Amanda and Kezman, Marshall is still in the hospital but the Chemo seems to be really working. Last I heard his blasts were down to 16%, after the 30 days if he is in remission again he will have another bone marrow transplant. Cross your fingers and say a little prayer on his behalf. Mom and Dad Hunt were even down helping out so we got to spend some time with them and Brian. We headed back late that night on the 9:00 PM shuttle and didn't get back home till after 1, I fell asleep a little after 2:30 and work up again at 6 for a day full of preschool and other classes... All in all it's been a long day. I might be hitting the sack a little earlier tonight to say the least! Thanks for the fun weekend everyone :) We love you!
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