Why conference matters. I am so excited to listen to our prophets speak next week. I hope you are all preparing to listen, coming with questions in your hearts. I promise you that if you prepare before time and listen during it you will receive answers to your prayers. What a blessing it is to have living prophets on earth today. I loved this video and hope you do too!
(copy and paste this link into another internet tab to watch the short movie)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
So I have come to the conclusion the blogging is really confusing and difficult! I want to be a good, cute, fun blogger but I can't figure it out.. Ugh! Frustrating. Anyone wanna do my blog for me? There is so much I want to do but only so much I know how or understand how to do. Well if your interested let me know! :) But until then I'll just have to live with it the way it is!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Throwback Thursday
Remember these old days? This was when I had a huge crush on Matt, and Matt wasn't even thinking about dating anyone ever. We headed to Washington for our roommates wedding (how am I so lucky to have the same best friends ever since my freshmen year? and that they are also Matt's best friends?) Matt and Brians roommate Travis, married our roommate Lindsay. Its crazy to think of this and where we are now!
Lindsay and Travis are expecting a baby in March.
Ashley and Drew just had their first cute little Abbigail.
Emily is on a mission in Philadelphia.
The other Ashley is on a mission in Tennessee.
Brian is going to school in Africa.
And Matt and I are married (which in these pictures I had no idea would happen!)

Isn't crazy how life turns out? I am grateful for my friends and for my wonderful husband!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thoughts for Sunday
While talking with husband today, feeling overwhelmed and stressed about different things going on in our lives he reminded me of this simple message:
"Doubt is the opposite of Faith"
I guess I always knew that but it just hit me hard it reminded me of when Elder Bednar (I believe it was him...) said
"Faith is not just a feeling, It's a decision"
My mom made a plaque for me that says that and I think it is such a good reminder everyday that we have to choose to have faith. So this week instead of being stressed and overwhelmed with life's situations I am going to choose to have faith and pray to our Savior everyday that he can give me patience and understanding I need.
Side note: Today we went to the BYU-I Center with all of the married student wards in Rexburg to rearrange boundaries and get a new stake (which we are in now!). Elder Zwick and Elder Web from the 70 were there, I wished you would of all been there it was such a powerful meeting that I even found myself crying during it without even knowing! It just confirmed that these are men called of God. What a blessing it is to have prophets on the earth today that we get to hear from regularly (Yay for conference in 2 weeks!) It's amazing that they know just what to say to you before you knew you needed to hear it, if that make since. It's just a reminder that you need to be where you are supposed to be always or you might miss out on tender mercies that the Lord has in store for you or is preparing you to have. Well we hope you all had a good Sunday! Remember to choose faith!
"Doubt is the opposite of Faith"
I guess I always knew that but it just hit me hard it reminded me of when Elder Bednar (I believe it was him...) said
"Faith is not just a feeling, It's a decision"
My mom made a plaque for me that says that and I think it is such a good reminder everyday that we have to choose to have faith. So this week instead of being stressed and overwhelmed with life's situations I am going to choose to have faith and pray to our Savior everyday that he can give me patience and understanding I need.
Side note: Today we went to the BYU-I Center with all of the married student wards in Rexburg to rearrange boundaries and get a new stake (which we are in now!). Elder Zwick and Elder Web from the 70 were there, I wished you would of all been there it was such a powerful meeting that I even found myself crying during it without even knowing! It just confirmed that these are men called of God. What a blessing it is to have prophets on the earth today that we get to hear from regularly (Yay for conference in 2 weeks!) It's amazing that they know just what to say to you before you knew you needed to hear it, if that make since. It's just a reminder that you need to be where you are supposed to be always or you might miss out on tender mercies that the Lord has in store for you or is preparing you to have. Well we hope you all had a good Sunday! Remember to choose faith!
the church is true,
Thoughts for Sunday
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Throwback Thursday
I love looking back and seeing where we came from and where we are now! I'm so in love with this boy!
![]() |
Back to the dating years! |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
"We're Flexible"
"You just need to be flexible" That's all they keep telling us but let me tell you its not that easy to "be flexible" when you have 3 pre plans, 2 lesson plans, and supposed to meet with your team for the 3rd lesson plan all due tomorrow. Sorry its not going to happen. They changed around all of our lesson plans and schedule in preschool, so what do I do? I start to learn it, I'm flexible with all the changing. But when you change it all again for the 2nd time after I already learned the new changed plan (make since?) its a little hard to be so flexible. Seriously I already have sooo much work to do without the extra stress that I am doing it all wrong and am going to have to re learn a whole new system... Ugh. Its not so easy having 3 different teachers to answer to with 3 different teaching styles. Hopefully by my supervisor semester everything will be set in stone and I will already have it all down. That's my wish I guess we will see if it ever comes true. Until then thanks for the venting session! Wish me luck this semesters going to be a loooong hard one!

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thoughts for Sunday
I just want to second this and remind us all to slow down a little and enjoy the time we do have together! I'm grateful for Sundays and the chance to do this. Don't let you week be crowed with things that don't really matter, but remember the small things that matter most. Like a simple text that says "I love you!" or a much needed hug, or a phone call from a parent. I am grateful for all of the little things in my life! I am thankful for a hard working husband though I never get to see him I am grateful for the time that we can share together! I am thankful for Sundays, that they are a break from the world.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
We went on a family outing to the Salt Lake Fair grounds on Saturday, The highlight of the night was the rodeo, even thought the people watching, giant corn dogs, and roasted almonds came in a close second!
proud to be an American! :)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
School starts for us tomorrow and we are soo excited! I have a time consuming work load but none of it is like Matt's classes so I am not going to complain to much. I am so excited to be going to school with Matt he has been working ever since we got married and mostly worked the semester we started dating so I never really got the chance to walk around campus holding hands, taking each other to class, eating lunch etc together. It sounds really stupid as I write that down but its the truth, I was always so jealous that everyone had someone around with them and even though we were married I felt like the 3rd wheel but now that Matt wont be driving to SLC everyday we will have a lot more time together!
I can't remember if I told you that we are both working for the SLC Express cleaning buses at night. Matt got offered the job and his boss said that I could also work there, its a bummer to be at night but it will be fun to spend all our nights with each other! Oh and Matt also just got a job with Madison School District as a backup school bus driver, they pay pretty good and it fits in between some of his random classes. We were getting nervous about how we were going to make it all work this semester but this is just a small example of how much our Savior loves us and knows our needs. Prayers work! Well wish us luck, here's to another fun semester!!
I can't remember if I told you that we are both working for the SLC Express cleaning buses at night. Matt got offered the job and his boss said that I could also work there, its a bummer to be at night but it will be fun to spend all our nights with each other! Oh and Matt also just got a job with Madison School District as a backup school bus driver, they pay pretty good and it fits in between some of his random classes. We were getting nervous about how we were going to make it all work this semester but this is just a small example of how much our Savior loves us and knows our needs. Prayers work! Well wish us luck, here's to another fun semester!!
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