For Babe's birthday this year we decided a trip to the temple (kid free!! holla!) was just what we needed! We got all fancied up dropped Jenson off with Lindsay and headed out for our night out. We got to the temple got our stuff and realized our recommends had expired (seriously that has never happened before- how did we just space it?!) UGH! So instead of getting to go inside we just walked around outside and took pictures (of course)! We also discussed each other, how school was going, how to be better parents etc. It was still so refreshing just being able to talk and enjoy the peace that the temple brings. I still left feeling refreshed- but next time we will actually be going in.. hahaha
^^ Seriously humidity... you can gradually see my hair getting bigger and bigger and going from cute curly to epic fail! ugh!^^
After walking around for a bit we decided we still had some time to stall so we headed to Freddy's for dinner- KID FREE! haha I forgot how nice it was to eat a hot meal, and get to eat all of it myself!
I am a quantity over quality type of gal (and Babe is the exact opposite) It kills me to not see a lot of presents for Babe to open, so I got him a few cheaper gifts to satisfy my need to be a good wife- while still saving up for his big ticket items he wanted instead.

Since he wasn't getting much we opened them when we got back from the temple... He didn't mind waiting but I was dying for him to open them! haha
Shutterfly books of kind of my favorite and what better time to get them then for a birthday? haha
oh and white shirts because you can never have to many ;)
The next day (his real birthday) he had to go to school (LAME) so Jenson and I just hung out around the house until he got home.
Poor Jenson just wanted to hold the button, and not take a picture!
He got to open one last present on his actual birthday, something he has said he always wanted... nerf guns! We had fun playing with them until our friends came over for some brownies and ice-cream- Babe's favorite!
He even got enough birthday money to get what he really wanted (well most of it was birthday money...) a Apple Watch, so of course he went to pick it up when everyone left! He sure is one spoiled boy- and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I love birthdays and I love him even more, Happy 28th Birthday Babe! xoxo