It's so crazy to me to think that we already have a 3 year old! Sheesh time flies! We decided to keep his birthday pretty low key this year and just do a few of his favorite things! His actual birthday is the 29th of January, this year it was on a Sunday so we celebrated earlier that weekend! We went to the KC aquarium, it had been a while since we were there last and he LOVED it. I don't think it's necessarily worth the price to get in but with our zoo pass it's basically buy one get one so it's worth it!
Everything that could go wrong with Jenson's cake did. I was so done with it, but he didn't care. It's just not the pintrest worthy cake I was imagining but it was perfect for my little 3 year old!
After the aquarium we went to Fritz's, they bring you your food on a little train and there are trains everywhere so we knew our train loving boy would love it!
^^ Were working on Jensons camera skills haha but I would say he not to bad for his first time. He took both these pictures of us! ^^
Everything that could go wrong with Jenson's cake did. I was so done with it, but he didn't care. It's just not the pintrest worthy cake I was imagining but it was perfect for my little 3 year old!
Jenson was spoiled like always, got some awesome train sets, zoo play set, coloring book, and some fun dance music!
While we were in Utah we made Jenson this marble run- my mom has one and it's by far his favorite thing to do at her house so we knew we just had to make one! 

On his actual birthday we went to church, and took the rest of the day easy! We sure love you Jenson Matthew Hunt, oh how you make us smile!