Sunday, May 13, 2012


I know I am really far behind on blogging and I will catch up eventually but today I just wanted to post a little something for all of the mothers in my life.

First off to my own mother, for making me who I am.  Being patient with me, supporting me, teaching me by example and words, sharing your testimony with me, raising me in the gospel, and for loving me each and everyday.  I don't know where I would be without you, you are my best friend.  I cherish the memory's we have together and am thankful for them. Thank you for being the best mother any one could ask for.  I am so lucky you are mine.
 Next to my amazing mother in law.  Thank you for raising such an amazing son, one who honors his priesthood and treats me like his queen.  I know he is the way he is because of you.  Your testimony, hard work, love for him. I have loved getting to spend so much time with you lately and being able to feel of your spirit everyday.  I couldn't have asked for better in laws, I am seriously the luckiest.

Now to all my sisters.  I look up to all of you so much to a mother who will do anything for her children even if it means you cannot be at home with them everyday like you would like.  And a sister who gives of her time to help others everyday, especially your little girl who can't do the normal things for herself.  I admire your strength in taking the cards you have been dealt and taking them head on.  I admire my sister who has to balance in between her husband and her sweet baby boy, and having to be brave when entering into the UN known.  For her ability to still smile in everything she is going though and make time to spend with her family and making every minute count.  I hope I can be the type of mother as my sister who chases around her 3 children daily and still makes time to play with them and show them that she loves them. And still be able to be one crafty woman! To my beautiful sister that will do anything for her family or anyone who asks things of her and can still manage to work, raise her boys, serve faithfully in her church callings, and make the most of everyday.  I admire my sister that is so talented and can do  anything she puts her mind to.  I admire how much of a hard worker she is with little time to spare but still makes time for her family and to help out wherever she can.  I admire how she is always changing her nieces and nephews diapers, even though she has no kids of her own!

I am also thankful today for all of my grandmas, aunts, neighbors, friends, leaders, and mentors that have blessed my life by your examples.  I  am grateful for our friendships and time we have spent together.  I am thankful for all of the women in my life today and want to make sure that they know that they are loved and appreciated.  I am also thankful for the knowledge of eternal families and for the chance to be with our loved ones forever. I am grateful for my angel grandmother that watches over me daily and even though I miss her everyday I am thankful for the time I got to spend with her and for all of the memory's that we have.  Like I said before I am one lucky lady to be surrounded by such beautiful, strong women in my life.  Thank you again for all you have and will do for me. 
(obviously there are WAY more women I am thankful for than in this picture below but I was in a hurry so my lovely sister could have the computer so I didn't have time to search for thousands of pictures so I only added some from our wedding!)