Zoey now has her 2 bottom teeth! It was a few rough weeks until those popped through but now she is mostly back to her happy self! Zoey is a mamas girl through and through- it sure makes for some challenging days but I also love how much she is attached to me. She loves food and is a total social eater haha if your eating she wants to too so make sure you have the puffs close by! She has taken a step and is getting more brave but still prefers crawling. She will still randomly wake up in the night to eat but overall is normally a great sleeper. She is eating a little bit more table food everyday but I’m a bit of a worrier so she hasn’t had to much yet. She eats anything and everything she can find still- so i always have to be on top of my game and make sure our floors are vacuumed and Jenson keeps his small toys away from her! I still can’t believe she has officially been out of me longer then she was in me!
😳 time sure flies!