Miss Zoey Faye is officially 6 months old! She LOVES her oatmeal cereal, can sit up but if she gets to excited she will still fall over haha, her sleep schedule was all mixed up on vacation but she still takes amazing naps and mostly sleeps through the night! She’s in 6 month clothes but often fits into bigger clothes! She drools like crazy and chews on everything and anything- possibly teething🤷🏼♀️. Being held is her favorite until she needs to sleep then she prefers being left alone in her own space! We stopped swaddling her to sleep but she has to sleep with a blanket right up by her face (just like her mama!) she already has quite the personality, laughs, babbles and smiles all day, until her red head personality kicks in and she randomly screams haha! She sure is our favorite little girl! We love you Zoey! 😘
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Monday, December 25, 2017
Christmas Eve was the best, spending time with family, eating amazing food, getting new pjs, playing games, singing 6 white boomers, and setting out presents and getting ready for Santa to come.
Christmas morning after the kids woke up we headed down stairs to see what Santa brought us! We were all spoiled like crazy, Jenson is at such a fun age and loved opening up all his presents, and Zoeys! Zoey enjoyed the wrapping paper the most haha
This is our "elf" Jessie. Jenson LOVED him all season and on Christmas Eve he finally got to touch him again and play with him until the next season. He wouldn't let him out of his sight and made sure he got to sleep with him. He woke up in the middle of the night crying because he was no longer there, broke my heart but he forgot all about it when he saw his presents! lol
Christmas Break
We had a fabulous Christmas break! We started the holidays off with some friends making ginger bread houses! We also saw Santa, wrote letters, get new pjs, and went and saw all the lights around town! Then we got to go on vacation- Utah first! We had our Craven Christmas party, complete with the nativity.

We had a progressive dinner party and went to all of my sibling houses, it was fun to see everyones Christmas decorations, and to hang out together for the evening!
Temple square lights are my favorite!
We also kept the tradition alive and went to Boondocks for dinner and bowling!
Watching Pitch Perfect 3- such a funny movie, and even better company!
Grandpa (my dad) made a rocket launcher for the grandkids for Christmas so we all made rockets and shot them off- even in the snow!
After Christmas we went to Idaho for a week! Easton and Zoey got to spend some time together, it's so fun to watch them play together!
spending time with Grandpa Mckee!
Jenson always seems to get sick on vacation, this time was no different. He was out for 2 days just laying in bed. Babe and Uncle Karl gave him a blessing and thankfully after he seemed to do much better. How thankful we are for the priesthood.
As always our breaks end to fast and it was back to Kansas for us!
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